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Eu Timber

Our BOC experts can help you to manage this activity implementing procedures and a system assuring you a low risk.

European Regulation 995/2010 (EUTR) entered application on 3 March 2013 also known as the EU Timber Regulation or EUTR counters the trade in illegally harvested timber and timber products

All European companies importing wooden products must investigate and demonstrate the legality of timber and wood-based products before shipment to Europe. Similar regulations exist in USA and Australia.

The European companies must follow three key obligations:

- Not placing on the EU market for illegally harvested timber and products derived from such timber

- European traders who place timber products on the EU market for the first time must exercise a 'due diligence';

- Keep records of their suppliers and customers.

The Regulation covers a wide range of timber products listed in its Annex, using EU Customs code nomenclature.

What BOC can do for you?
Our BOC experts can help you to manage this activity implementing procedures and a system assuring you a low risk.

We can take care for you about the due diligences, do a risk assessment but also train your team and/or you suppliers about how to manage it.


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