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Outsourcing manufacturing: End to End process

We monitor and control the production of your products with an End to End approach.

You already have selected a supplier …How will you monitor him ? at which cost? How to be sure that all will go smooth? How to quick react in case of production issues?

How efficient is your current monitoring system?

BOC offers solutions to manage and monitor the manufacturing processes.

We monitor and control the production of your products with an End to End approach.

We take care about all the monitoring activities from development to shipment stepping into the lab testing and the production supervision constantly updating you in term of:

- Quality
- Quantity
- Timing

This solution includes Quality Assurance and Production management in Outsourcing by covering on your behalf a wide range of services:

- supplier identification
- price negotiation
- sampling
- supply management
- production monitoring
- quality control management
- logistics and shipment management
- etc

A unique contact in BOC will coordinate and interface with all the players involved in your productions. You will receive regular quality and production reports with the frequency that you wish. This will allow you to follow your productions from your desk in real time and to own the full picture of your business.

No more surprises, you are updated for each step and we manage in real time the corrective actions when necessary.

Click here to receive more information or a proposal.


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